Fatih Karcı Meslekive Teknik Anadolu Lisesi is a vocational high school with students aged 14-19. There are ICT and Accounting-Finance departments. There are approximately 400 pupils and four grades. After they finish the 1st grade, they choose their departments according to their GPA. English is the only foreign language course. Some students live in the same district, but some live in different districts. Thus, they come to school by bus or they use shuttle buses. Our students had an exam at the end of the secondary education. They chose this school according to the result of this exam.
There are 3 administrators, 23 teachers and 4 janitors. As we are a vocational high school, we prepare the students for the labor market.Thus, when they graduate, they will have the opportunity to find a place in the labor market. However, the students take not only the vocational curriculum, but also comprehensive courses. The students graduate from this school as technicians. But they can also take the university exam to have higher education. Kayseri is in the Central Anatolian Region and it hosted a lot of civilizations through the history. As a result of this, there are a lot of cultural heritage and historical places. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism have been taking the necessary steps to protect these masterpieces. These masterpieces do not only belong to our own civilization. There are also a lot of artefacts created by other civilizations. -In this project, we want to introduce our cultural heritage and the steps that have been taken to protect them. Additionally, we want to know other countries’ cultural heritages such as traditions, food, art, etc. and the steps they have been taking to hand down these masterpieces to the next generations. Furthermore, we want to raise the students’ awareness of the other cultures and our aim is to develop their sense of European citizenship and identity. They will also have the opportunity to communicate and improve their English and meet new people from other cultures through this project. -Emine Kayapınar (English) will be the key person in charge of running the project in the school. She will be also in charge of preparing and practicing the activities. She has two Erasmus+ project experiences in Portugal and Croatia. The other English teacher can substitute her at the position. Ä°brahim DoÄŸan (ICT) will be in charge as an assistant for technical issues such as preparing necessary files (PPT, videos, graphics, animation, WEB design,etc.) , announcement of the project and dissemination of the project results. He has a Comenius project experience in France and Poland. Moreover, our Geography, History, Art and Literature teachers will help for further information about the topic. -We joined an online E twinnig project last year called ABC: Wonders of the World. It was about the natural beauties of our country. We will contribute this experience to the partnership.