Exploring Folk Heritage for Entrepreneurial Development
Description of the activity
-Pupils take part in a four-day visits to Italian school where they reside at their Italian peers’ homes. The guest pupils take part in all planned activities while host pupils take turns so that each person recruited for mobility will take part at some stage.
Other host pupils from the first and second form take part in activities held at school in groups of about 30 pupils in each activity.
-The content of the activities is folk heritage which includes agriculture, lifestyle, food, traditions, customs, human artistic activity etc. Activities held at school:
-all pupils show to project participants and to pupils from the host school the beforehand prepared presentations with sights of interest from their country and present the case study,
-all project participants and the host pupils take part in a debate: ‘Heritage - tradition and modernity, protection or development’, whose argumentation will be later gathered by Italian pupils in a written article,
-all participants and host pupils collaborate in project-based tasks on designing a new enterprise,
-all guests and a group of host pupils participate in practical workshops (designing brand name, product logo, testing new recipes, learning craft and artistic skills etc.).
Field trips:
-all participants take part in field trips to a varied selection of sights where they undertake tasks whose aim is to search for innovative solutions for ( re-)using heritage buildings, artefacts, craftsmanship, traditions, skills, natural landscape etc. ,
-all participants take part in meetings with Italian business people who operate in tourism and heritage held at the enterprise venues to learn about the company beginnings, obstacles met by the entrepreneurs, wrong decisions made, innovative solutions implemented, how the company is organized, its position on the market, planned investments, target groups etc.
The ideas, suggestions and findings of the project-based tasks, workshops and field trips will later be gathered and included in a presentation compiled by Italian pupils.
The entrepreneurship techniques applied in activities include:
-brain-storming ideas,
-SWOT analyses,
-elements of feasibility study including technical, strategic and market analyses,
-elements of business plan,
-decision tree etc.